Friday, January 23, 2009

Scribe Post For Jan 23

Today in class we had to go over yesterdays homework.

The homework was the balancing act.

It looked like this:

The total for the whole balancing act is 160.
Here is the answer for the people who
didn't get a chance to write it down
during class.

Also, today we started our provincial folders.

For the first segment of proof that we had to put in our folders

eg. Put the following decimals in order from least to greatest.
1.3 0.9 0.2 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.8 0.1

In order the numbers would be:

0.1 0.2 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.8
If you got something like this right on the sheet you would have to give yourself one check mark and put the date next to it. if you didn't get to put any check marks on your sheet, you would have to come another day and try to get it right a second time.

I choose Kevin to do the next scribe post.


carla841 said...

great job argie!
great pictures. but you should explain how you got the answers. but i liked how you explained what we did for the provincial folders and the colors.

kevin772 said...


Ralph817 said...

Good Job!!! Awesome pictures. I liked how you explained how you got the answer and I liked how you put colour, and links. I also liked how you explained everything. Good Job!!!

Elaine905 said...

Awesome job Argie! It's great that you told what we did today and nice colour, pictures, and links. But I think you should explain how we got the answer for the balance scale and more about the provincial folders.

Anonymous said...

good job argie!
you should talked more about the answer on the balancing scale.You put a really good links and examples, and good work on the picture....well done :D

razel873 said...

good job!!! but you should have explained how you get the answer..but still nice job.

Ronny 816 said...

Nice one Argie. You had good pictures and links. I liked how you explained about the Provincial Folders and how you used colours. You could have explain how you got the answers though.

Telisa816 said...

Awsome post i like how u used the links and explained what we did

Karra9-06 said...

Good job argie
You explained everything well. I like how you put colour and links.
I also liked how you explained what we did for the provincial folders. Great Job!!

Celdrick--Petilla--9-06 said...

great job argie but you could have explained how you got the answers

anyways good job

Zerlina905 said...

Your scribe was awesome! I liked how you added 2 pictures. I liked how you used a link too, all you need is a video and colour and your scribe would be spectacular!

Anonymous said...

Good job, you had color, and useful links.

MaryJane905 said...

Great job Argie!
The color, links and pictures were great! However, you should've explained how we got the answer for the balancing act. Overall,l it was pretty good.

camille said...

AWESOME JOB ARGIE!......very professional. i like who you made the balancing act and how you eplained the provincial folders. good job.

Alex906 said...

good job Argie!I like the pictures, color, and links. But I thought you should have explained how you got the answers for the balancing act.

Jasmine 8-16 Hot said...

Goodjob argie ! great notes thingys .

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